Deep cleansing facial

Deep cleansing facial is a cosmetological treatment to remove dead skin cells, get rid of toxins, unblock and shrink pores, and reduce inflammation. Deep cleansing facial comprehensively improves complexion, skin quality and texture.

Deep cleansing facial is a treatment recommended to everyone. Street dust, toxins, and remnants of makeup combined with natural skin secretions clog pores. Professional cleansing performed by a cosmetologist is much more effective than skin care at home, as the thoroughness of cleansing is guaranteed.

It is difficult to achieve the same effect on your own, since the specialists use professional cosmetic products and sterile instruments, have extensive experience and prescribe treatment according to the patient’s skin characteristics.

Deep cleansing facial
Time90 minutes
Resultup to 1 year

Treatment results

After the deep cleansing facial, the functioning of sebaceous glands is normalised, cellular metabolism is improved, and the severity of wrinkles is reduced. The skin becomes clear, elastic and moisturised, and the complexion becomes even. Every 1-3 months it is recommended to visit the cosmetologist and repeat the deep cleansing facial, especially for those with oily and combination skin.

Treatment steps

The treatment is performed using professional cosmetic products. The deep cleansing facial begins with makeup removal and skin cleansing. Dead skin cells of the surface skin layer are exfoliated with the use of gommage. The skin is then steamed to open the pores. Special sterile instruments and/or an ultrasonic skin scrubber are used according to the skin type and skin condition. The session ends with a chemical peel, a mask and soothing cream.

Indications and contraindications


  • Enlarged pores.
  • Comedones.
  • Acne.
  • Oily or combination skin type.
  • Dull complexion.


  • Infectious diseases.
  • Fragility of facial vessels.
  • Pustular skin disorders.
  • Herpes rash.
  • Eczema.
  • Epilepsy, mental disorders.
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